Recently, shopping bags have been charged at supermarkets and convenience stores in Japan, and it is no longer a rare sight to bring shopping bags with us when shopping. Wooden pallets are the same in terms of carrying products. The wooden pallets are used for transporting papers for paper manufacturers. So, more pallets are used when there is more transportation.
However, unlike a shopping bags, the pallets are not easy to throw them away. Our initial mission was to clear out this problem and that is how SATO COMPANY started the business.
At first, we started to collect the used pallets for the paper manufactures so that they can use it again. This system developed to a “Paper manufacturer’s pallet organization” which collects the pallets for nation wide paper manufacturer.
And then, to enhance the recycle for reducing more waste, we expanded our ability to repair pallets and even developed to provide the pallets by ourselves. Today, we are entering a new stage to introduce a new way of using pallet, that can excite people and also contribute to the natural circulation.
As a company of handling chipped wood and thinning wood, our focus is on the sustainability of forest and the new lifestyle aspired by people. In the light of this idea, we launched a “challenge pallet” business in 2017, when celebrating its 50th anniversary. This activity is to let people experience to create their original thing. The healing power and the change in texture of nature material while the time flows will make people “Waku-waku” (encouraging, exciting, cheering and motivated).
SATO COMPANY is and will be continuously bring new themes and business such as art, architecture and nature conservation backed by our pioneer spirit.
Chairman of the board
Mariko Tateno
Cheer up the nature through wooden pallets
1.Eliminate the waste loss of wooden pallet by running an efficient collection system
2.Purpose a new way of using pallets for more efficient use of woods.
3.Bring excitement to joy to people’s life by wood
4.Contribute to the sustainable forest circulation by the above 1-3 challenges
・We smile and carefully listen to our customers and partners
・We value communication that evokes empathy and resonance
・We enjoy the challenge
・We respect each other’s human rights and their positions to maximize their potentials output
・We value the opportunity with others for co-creation
After finishing the role of supporting the logistics and discarded, wooden pallets should still have a place to shine. How can we reduce wasting the resource by making good use of recycled pallet…
That new value should be the one that make everyone “Waku-waku” (exciting!). Our challenge started from this simple idea. We name this promising material “MARUPA” so that people can feel familiar with it (and hope it might be easy to remember for children).
On the occasion of the company 50th anniversary in June, 2019, we renamed our company name to “SATO COMPANY” and came up with a new logo design. It was the symbolic moment that all employee connected tight together to make a great company that can contribute to global environment by taking on the challenge of various operations. So, as we started the activity and sales of brand named called “MARUPA”.
Through the effective use of wooden pallets and domestic timber, we would like to not only contribute to distribution, but also spread the opportunity, that reminds us of the goodness of timber and thinking about the future, future of environment and Japan’s green forest. So, follow our journey of reframing the identity of “pallet” and co-creation activity with various industries and people.
SATO COMPANY is proceeding with various initiatives to achieve the goals of the SDGs, such as pallet collection, recycling, effective use of resources and reginal revitalization.
It’s an information center where we present the new way of using pallets!
4-6-23 Honchou, Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Any question? Happy to get in touch.